Check-in Information for Bamboo

Check-in process.
In the apartment we have detailed apartment information (like WiFi Internet passwords, pool hours, how to use the TV remote, etc) on the dining table or desk. You may call or text us anytime if you have any questions.

=Building background:
In this building about half the condos are managed by Castle Resorts as a hotel and they operate the front desk. The other half of the units are managed by other property managers or owners. You unit is managed by us and not Castle Resorts so if you have any questions or problems on your unit please call or text us.

For your flexibility on your Check-in times we ask the Bamboo Front Desk to handle the Check-in process for us.


When you arrive at the Bamboo building:

Just go up to the Front Desk and ask to check into unit 405 and they will help you. We let the Front Desk know you will be arriving so they are expecting you. You will need to fill out their necessary paperwork and then they will give you a hotel key card for your unit.

Parking is handled separately from the Front Desk and is in a separate building next door. Information is below. 

Other Notes on Check-in:

1) The check-in time is after 4:00 pm. Do not check in before 4:00pm since the cleaning company may still be in the unit. If you would like to check-in early please just check with us as this will depend on when the last guest checked-out and when the cleaning company can finish cleaning.  

2) You can check-in anytime from 4:00 pm to 1:00 am.

3)  If you have any questions or problems please just call us. We are glad to help.


If you Do Not have a car:

You can go straight to the apartment. The apartment is on the 4th floor. Exit the elevator and turn RIGHT then LEFT. Apartment 405.

Open your apartment door. Enter your Key Card and pull out quickly. Cleaning is very important to us and we use a professional cleaning company and they do an excellent job but if they missed something then please call us immediately and we will ask the cleaning person to come back today or tomorrow and take care of any problems.


If you have a car:

The parking is in the next door building, the Pacific Monarch. You need a Parking Pass for your car. The Parking Pass is in your unit and on the desk.

At this time please
bring all your luggage to the apartment since it is harder from the parking stall. Then move your car immediately.

Parking Pass - Place it on the Driver Side Dash board and make sure this is VISIBLE. The color of the parking pass changes monthly.
Remove the white Pacific Monarch gate card and take it with you.




How to Park:

1) When you Exit to the Bamboo driveway then turn Right immediately into the Pacific Monarch driveway.

2) Stay in your car and hold the White gate card up on your windshield and the gate will open. The small white box above the gate is the receiver.

Drive up the driveway and park in ANY open parking stall. Do Not park in stalls that say Reserved, Private, 5-minute only or other special signs.

IMPORTANT: Leave the parking pass in the brown holder and make sure it is Visible on the Driver Side dash board or your car will be towed away. Also remember to Lock Your Car and do not leave valuables inside. Also remove the white Pacific Monarch gate card and take it with you.


After you park, you can:

1) Walk down the driveway. The parking gate will automatically open when you get near the gate.

2) OR Walk down the fire exit stairs. Sorry no elevators. When you walk down the fire exit stairway you will exit on the side of the building on a walkway between the buildings. Turn Right and walk to the street. The Bamboo Hotel is on your left.


To enter Bamboo hotel

Normally the front doors are open but if not, you will need to insert your door key card into the box on the left side of the front door. Enter the card then pull out, this will unlock the front door. Take the elevator to the 4th floor then turn Right and then Left. Apartment 405.


Open your apartment door. Enter your Key Card and pull out quickly. Cleaning is very important to us and we use a professional cleaning company and they do an excellent job but if they missed something then please call us immediately and we will ask the cleaning person to come back today or tomorrow and take care of any problems.


To go back to your car.

Go to the Pacific Monarch building and walk up the driveway and open the gate with your white gate card.  When you exit with your car the parking gate will automatically open when you get near

Have a great vacation !!!!